Tuesday, February 19, 2008

28 Weeks Later

28 Weeks Later

It abandons its starter shaft and fuoriesce with scarlet and the children while district 1 incenerito from napalm. Alice opens the hatch has left the child allinterno, that it says that escaping is infecting. The following day, the two children slip outside of the sure zone in order sending back to their old center, in which Andy he discovers Alice, disheveled but alive. is more subsequently one film starter shaft-post-apocalyptic of horror of the 2007 British ones and followed to the film 2002 28 days. Between the children they are Tammy () and Andy (), children of Alices and wear that they were in Spain during the explosion begins them. During their successive medical control, scarlet famous the heterochromia of Andys, one characteristic that has inherited from its mother. Doyle and the soldiers are order in order to talk nonsense to you infected, but the chaos intensifies in one extermination of the populace. While they eat their meal, they feel a young method of the boy allesterno. Reunited with their father wears, than hour he is guardiano head of the district. The film has been directed from and has been freed in United Kingdom and in joined It declares May on 11, 2007. Alice refuses to go without the boy and is abandoned near wears, than fuoriesce down a river in one boat, emerging like the single survivor. After that river basin, the virus of temper in its salted it infects it. Allinterno of their new one penthouse, wears tearfully tells its escape, revealing that Alice has been killed from the infected one. Infected hour, brutally kills it and goes on the prowl in district 1, infecting attacante and the soldiers. The scarlet it saves Tammy and Andy from the control, escaping entirety while the chaos is scattered to the ways. Then Alice visit in its cell of isolation and asks the forgiveness. Andy and Tammy are resumed dallesercito of the United States while Alice is decontaminated. The head sanitary inspector who important () is startled dallarrivo unexpected of the children. Only 12 years, Andy is the young person in Gran-Bretagna. Unanalisi of the blood reveals that it is infected with the virus of temper, but not visualizing some symptoms, identifying a carrying element, like tried from its eye of the bloodshot. It wears the calls its children in a room of the estate, in which they interrogate it approximately Alice that is alive. Bench scarlet alive desires to maintain Alice in order to try a cure, is exceeded from its advanced one. During 28 weeks, Gran-Bretagna still relatively sure is declared and a American-lead force of NATO, (above all rangers to consist and ottantaduesimo dispersed nellaria) begins to repopulating the country. In the meantime, tantissima the infected escape the strafing, occupant the city.. Andy and Tammy subsequently are admitted to district 1, a guarded section heavy-of reinforce and completely lesercito works them of London in the docklands from the joined one Declares, comprised sergeant Doyle () and Flynn helicopter pilot (). The explosion forces the zone in lockdown, but to time not to avoid wears from the forzatura of its sense in the sure room, in which it begins to kill and to infect the civilians limits to you. Moments more subsequently, a package of the infected one discovers hideout and the rodaggio, quickly soprafacendo the group. Robert Carlyle wears () and its moglie Alice (lunch of )prepare for their group of the survivors in a cottage in some heavy place of reinforces in Temper-infected Gran-Bretagna rural.

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